28 Sept 2016

Excess and Abundance of Artistic Research

Performance Studies international #23 / Hamburg, Germany / 8 – 11 June 2017

Excess and Abundance of Artistic Research

A project of the Artistic Research Working Group of PSi

Inspired by the announced theme for PSi #23 – “OverFlow” – the Artistic Research Working Group proposes to build upon but also exceed the ambitious but contained model of the “Porous Studio,” its established practice over the past several conferences. An open invitation to PSi member artists and local practitioners from the shifting conference locations, the Porous Studio has always been seen as a space of intermixing, contamination, and multiplicity. For 2017 we propose overflowing the fixed spatial and temporal zones of PSi #23 through extended sessions in Hamburg and pre- and post-conference online (and, potentially, actual) exchange and collaboration via the international Research Catalogue database (https://www.researchcatalogue.net/portal).

Artistic Research is meant as an umbrella concept that includes a range of approaches that use art, creative practice or performance as a primary means and method of inquiry. These include the distinct approaches 'performance as research' (PaR), 'practice-based research' (PBR), ‘practice-led research, ‘creative arts research’, 'research-creation', 'arts-based research', and numerous other associated practices. In many cases, the subject of study is artistic practice itself, as in 'artistic inquiry’. In others, creative practice is used as a way of investigating non-artistic (or not exclusively artistic) subjects. Our aim is to invite a broad spectrum of these approaches, drawn from within and beyond academic and institutional contexts, to reflect the diverse and vital overflow of orientations, perspectives, and approaches to research in contemporary art. Through presentations, performances, articulations and conversation, we aim to showcase vital examples of this activity internationally, and to expand our collective horizons through the sharing of knowledge(s) and experience(s).

The Artistic Research Working Group invites proposals from past, current, and prospective members. Participation can take one of two forms:

  • Ten-minute reports of on-going artistic investigations or artistic research projects, presented onsite in Hamburg and augmented by material shared online in advance of the presentation.
  • Thirty-minute project presentations or participatory workshops, performances or events, conducted onsite in Hamburg and augmented by material shared online in advance of the event.

All contributors will be invited to register on the Research Catalogue and establish an individual page on the Artistic Research Working Group site within the database. This will be a closed forum for exchange prior to and following the conference, and we can explore the option of publishing some materials after the gathering as a form of public conference proceedings. Members who will not be able to attend in Hamburg can also submit online presentations or contributions that will be uploaded on the Research Catalogue and shared with the other WG members on an on-going basis.
The theme of “OverFlow” will be served by the very diversity of our collected approaches, but members may also choose to address it directly through some aspect of their conference participation.

All proposals should contain the following:

  •  participant’s name;
  • title of contribution;
  •  type of contribution (i.e., which of the three above categories);
  •  institutional affiliation (if applicable);
  • a 150 word description of the project/activity being showcased;
  •  any technical or production requirements.

Please send proposals by 15 October 2016 to

Annette Arlander: annette.arlander@uniarts.fi
Johanna Householder: jact@sympatico.ca
Bruce Barton: bruce.barton@ucalgary.ca

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